Summer Series on Trust-Based Philanthropy

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Trust-based philanthropy is much more than unrestricted grants and streamlined paperwork. At its core, this approach is fundamentally about recognizing and addressing power imbalances in service of a healthier, more equitable, and more impactful nonprofit sector.

Grantmakers of Oregon and SW Washington have joined other PSO organizations in planning a summer series around Trust-Based Philanthropy. Each individual session of this 3-part series is designed to be a stand-alone workshop so please join us even if you are unable to attend all of them.

Session 1: The Purpose, Culture and Values of Trust-Based Philanthropy

Jun 8, 2021 10:00 – 11:30 am

In this session, we’ll explore why trust-based philanthropy is trending, the fundamental values that undergird this approach, and the roles of staff and board in cultivating the culture of trust that is required in order to make this work successful. We will also preview the six grantmaking principles of trust-based philanthropy and how they go hand in hand with reimagining our roles as learning partners rather than compliance officers.

Session 2: Unrestricted Funding, Doing the Homework, and Streamlined Paperwork

July 20, 2021 10:00-11:30 am

Too often, foundations get in the way of the work nonprofits doing the work they know best. This can slow down progress, perpetuate inefficiencies, and obstruct nonprofit growth and innovation. In this deep dive session, we will explore the nuts and bolts of the first three trust-based principles: 1) multi-year, unrestricted funding as a strategy to build long-term relationships and support nonprofit self-determination; 2) doing the homework to expand our understanding of the organizations and issues we support; and 3) simplifying and streamlining applications and reports in service of relational approaches that build trust and mutual accountability.

Session 3: Transparent Communication, Soliciting Feedback, and Support Beyond the Check

September 14, 2021 10:00-11:30 am

In this deep dive session, we will explore the nuts and bolts of the final three trust-based principles: 1) being transparent and responsive as a strategy to minimize power imbalances and build honest communication, 2) soliciting and acting on feedback as an opportunity inform and strengthen your work, and 3) offering support beyond the check to support nonprofits more holistically while deepening your relationships with them.


The series is free to GOSW members and are 90 – minute sessions. We have built in time for you to share your thoughts and reflections with other GOSW members during each session.