Private: News From The Community

Carol Cheney

It was only three days after the killing of eight people in Atlanta, six of whom were Asian women, that I was announced as the new leader of The Collins Foundation. I had already been affected by the stories of brutal attacks of Asian people around the country, considering whether or not I should continue...

Cindy Adams

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and it pays tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America’s history and are instrumental in its future success. As a Sansei (third generation) of Japanese immigrants to Hawaii, I am honored and humbled to share my own journey with you....

A Message from Our Board President

Dear GOSW Members, By now, we hope that you have received the announcement that our President & CEO, Kendall Clawson will be leaving GOSW for an incredible opportunity with Group Health Foundation. For the nearly 4 years that Kendall has been with GOSW, the Board of Directors has had the pleasure of working side by...

An Announcement from Kendall Clawson

Dear GOSW Members… I hope that you are all enjoying the spring and that you are finding your new rhythms as we rebalance from our COVID existences. As the spring typically exemplifies, there is new growth and change happening all around us, and I am writing to share some news of growth and change with...

Sohel Hussain Named Meyer Memorial Trust’s New Director of Investment Operations

Hussain was middle office manager for North America at PIMCO PORTLAND, OR, April 20, 2021 – Sohel Hussain has joined Meyer Memorial Trust, which has an endowment of approximately $1B USD, as the first ever Director of Investment Operations. Hussain most recently oversaw the Middle Office team at PIMCO, a global investment management firm focusing...

Representative Khanh Pham

When I was a young child, growing up in the safe suburbs of Oklahoma and Southern California, I was perplexed at how my parents seemed to see dangers everywhere. It wasn’t until I was much older that I learned about their own childhoods, growing up amidst the turbulence of war in Vietnam, and how those...

Robin Ye

The American chapter of my family began a quarter century ago. My father moved to Huntsville, Alabama in the early 1990’s to pursue a master’s degree in the United States. My mother would raise two kids in America and work as a successful career software engineer — eleven years of that career at Intel. My...

Pay it Forward

On Wednesday, March 24, Americans acknowledged Equal Pay Day, a day which shine’s a light on the continued gap in salaries between men and women. Just as a start, let’s take note of the actual data. In the United States, white women on average make only 82 cents for every dollar made by an average...

Kaberi Banerjee Murthy

Like too many in America, despite being born here, I have often felt like the Other. Though I grew up in a racially diverse town, I was brown in a world that only seemed to recognize Black and white. I learned the carols for Christmas, then the dreidel song for Hanukkah, and as time went...

Niyati Desai

As I reflect on the recent increase in violence against Asian Americans, I am confronted with my own journey of belonging in the United States. As a first generation Indian American, I routinely navigate a complicated terrain of interpersonal questions and assumptions about identity, family, community, and a vision of ‘the American Dream.’ The sacrifices...