Monthly Archives:: October 2021


Elisa Harrigan shares about her experience as a Hispanic Laitina and the importance of the values provided by her heritage; family, resiliency and service to others.  

LATINX + PHILANTHROPY: Nancy Ramirez Arriaga

The persistent question, “where are you from?” is commonly asked of people of color everywhere in the U.S. and while often unintentional, it is rather a statement with a question mark that tells people, “you do not belong.” In Oregon, this implicit statement can carry even more painful undertones and impact given the state’s history...


I started writing this piece in hopes of highlighting the vibrancy, resiliency, and rich diversity of my Latinx community. My research began by googling “Latinos in the U.S.” Instead of greatness, however, I was slapped with thousands of articles and reports painting a bleak picture of our community: Latinxs are less likely than non-Hispanic Whites...


Reflecting on My Experience: In and Out of philanthropy As someone that grew up in extreme poverty, I often get asked what it’s like to be an insider in the world of philanthropy. I’m still trying to figure it out. I guess you can say, I’m in-between—a space I’m very familiar with as an immigrant...

LATINX + PHILANTHROPY: Felicita Monteblanco

What a month it has been! I am officially one year (and one month) into my philanthropy career after having always been on the nonprofit/grantee side. While switching sectors during a pandemic brought unique challenges, I am thankful for the opportunities that have presented themselves and that I was ready for. One of those opportunities...

LATINX + PHILANTHROPY: Juan Carlos Ocana-Chiu

My Experience as a Grantmaker May 1, 2018 was special for me, as it was my first official day to be in a paid job as a grantmaker. That day I became the manager of Metro Parks + Nature’s Community Investments and Partnerships team, which implements two grants programs, and administers a capital assets funding...


It was 1985, during Ronald Reagan’s second term as president, when I set foot in the United States for the first time at 18 years old. I didn’t know what destiny held in store for me, but I was full of hope at being able to move forward. My path was difficult, and I lived...